Discover: To find unexpectedly or during a search.

Abstract painter Ash Christine standing with an original large abstract painting made of acrylic and mixed media on canvas.

With art - there is discovery for the artist, and for the viewer.

The discovery phase of any venture is filled with chaos and random
motion before there is order. It's a phase that can go un-admired, as it
is raw, un-perfected, untamed.
Discovery has an aesthetic frequency that is distinct from many other phases of life.
Discovery is the bubbling of a new beginning, the first light of
morning, the unbridled passion and emotion that is the first impulse, the first idea, the first motion, that creates the future onto a new horizon.
In my first abstract art collection, there was no cohesive thought, no clear message, no plans, no themes - just unbridled chaotic passion.
What at times, felt like a thousand voices trying to speak all at
once was actually an explosion of emotion and motion of pent up
aesthetic communications that couldn't get out.
The result, an unearthing, an un-surfacing, an erupting tidal wave of
chaos and communication that finally broke free. This collection is the
truth about what Discovery looks like. It's real. It's raw. It's
My hope for this collection is that it inspires others to unchain
themselves from the rusted shackles we put on ourselves long ago.
To give yourself permission to start NOW, before you are ready, and to enter into your own next phase of Discovery.
With Love,
Ash Christine